*The list provided is comprised of those offering services throughout Canterbury. Rerenga Awa does not check credentials or confirm the information given. It is up to the agency and/or individual using this information to ensure they have made the appropriate checks before engaging a supervisor.
Dallas Harema
Bachelor in Social Sciences, Diploma in Counselling, Certificate in Te Ara Reo Māori, Diploma in Te Reo Māori & Tikanga, Comprehensive Psychiatric Assessment paper, CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Coach (Top 5, All 34, Teams, Partnerships, Group Workshops), CYWC Supervision/Advanced Supervision/Supervision from a Strengths Perspective Training(s), Accredited Living Wisdom Facilitator, SCOPE Assessor & currently completing a Masters in Theology and Intercultural Studies from an Indigenous Perspective.
Contact me for my fees