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Image of Supervisor

Angelina Tivalu

Contact details:

I am happy to meet in-person or online


Supervision training, Strength Finders Coach, 18 years in Youth Development Work, Code of Ethics Facilitator.

About me:

Predominately on the East Side of Christchurch with experience in working in local, faith-based and education arena, also while specifically focusing on positive outcomes for Maori and Pasifika, doing grassroots Youth Development Work. 

I recently started and managed a local youth organisation Strengthening Linwood Youth Trust. I have spent sometime working in Social Services working for the Parenting Place in a dual role Community Engagement and overseeing our Te Ao Māori parenting programmes. I am currently working at Te Ora Hou Aotearoa a kaupapa Māori youth development organisation. 

I approach supervision with a holistic view as I believe we work with taiohi in a holistic way. In reflecting on ourselves and our practice we can obtain best practice for the positive development of young people in Aotearoa. 

Areas of focus:

Faith-based, Alternative education, Camps, Community development, Drop-in-centre, Ethics, Ethnic, Events, Health, Kaupapa Māori, Leadership, Mentoring, Pasifika, School, Social Services, Truancy, Youth development, Volunteer, Youth health, Youth justice, Young parents, Whanāu services, Peer supervision, Tutoring, Funding & budgeting, Careers, Strategic planning, Social issues/justice, Cultural & social diversity

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