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Hannah Dunlop

Youth Audit Coordinator

Hi, I'm Hannah and I have 17 years’ experience working in the fields of youth development, local government, program design, strategy, health promotion, policy, environmental sustainability, education, consultation, governance, youth participation and evaluation.

I have developed professionally as a youth worker, facilitator, people leader and researcher as both a contractor and employee for organisations like Waimakariri District Council, NZ Red Cross, Environment Canterbury, 24-7 YouthWork and Ara Taiohi. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts and Post Graduate Diploma in Public Health and have held a number of governance roles with local, national and global YMCA, and 9 years on the Rerenga Awa | Canterbury Youth Workers Collective board.

Currently, I work with Rerenga Awa | Canterbury Youth Workers Collective as project manager for the Youth Friendly Places and Spaces tools as well as a consultant with InCommon Projects working to support organisations and people working with young people around youth participation and youth development across Aotearoa.

My unique skill set and experience allows me to provide the insight and knowledge around the intersection of organisational structure, best practice youth development and participation for effective program design.

021 921 252

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